Steps to create a sample Ionic Application or Hybrid Mobile Application
Below are the steps to create a sample Ionic Application or Hybrid Mobile Application: 1. Prerequisite: You should have node and angular cli installed in your system 2. Install Ionic CLI npm install -g ionic 3. Install Cordova npm install -g ionic cordova 4. Creating a sample ionic application: ionic start <app-name> <template> ionic start HelloWorld tabs 5. Running the application: go to the application directory cd HelloWorld ionic serve 6. Ionic application Testing on Android and IOS: ionic cordova build android <to generate the apk file for android device> ionic cordova run android <to directly on the device if it is connect to the computer> ionic cordova build ios Below are some useful commands: ionic cordova platform -a ionic cordova platform list ionic cordova platform add android@6.3.0 Note: For reference read this: ...